1 Reason for Computer Crashes: TOO HOT
Is the most common cause of computer crashes. If you see your computer fan clogged with cake like dust, you have created an environment for constant computer crashes due to overheating.
Solution Remove the computer case(If You Not Know How To Open Call Engg.) and use a can of compressed air to blow out all the dust in the case. Make sure to completely clean the fan. Be careful not to dislodge any wires or components during the process.
2 Reason for Computer Crashes: Bad Drivers
Computer crashes are often caused by system drivers not functioning properly. The driver provides a link between your software and hardware. If your operating system can not communicate with the hardware it shuts down and re-attempts to contact the driver during the start up process.
Solution Updating the driver or troubleshooting it may eliminate this problem.
For This Download Update Driver Software
3 Reason for Computer Crashes: Bad Power Supply
Most people are completely unaware that their computer has an internal power supply. The Power Supply Unit (PSU) problems are usually indicated by your PC’s inability to boot or use RAM. In this case, pressing the power button produces a blank or blue screen. When the power supply goes bad, your RAM and graphic card begin to malfunction. The final result is your computer crashes when Windows demands a large amount of power.
Solution: PSUs are very easy to replace. If you are a gamer who puts high demands on your system with large amount of RAM and high powered graphics cards, you should definitely upgrade to bigger power supply unit.
4 Reason for Computer Crashes: Corrupt Files
Many programs, especially ones with online access have encoding problems. Not to mention malware which is purposely coded to disrupt your system. They leave broken foot prints in many areas of your PC memory. However, once these programs are disengaged or removed from your computer, it leaves the error filled tags which also are known as corrupt files. Direct Link Library files, Dlls, are files that are shared by multiple programs and are especially sensitive to damage. If one rogue programs damages a vital dll file, registry file or any essential process, it can cause computer crashes.
Solution: You can repair these files if you are in possession of your original Windows CD. Both XP and Vista ,7 offer a wonderful scan and repair tool that can usually repair your disrupted system and stops computer crashes.
How to use Window’s SFC Scan and Repair command:
1.Click Start
2. Right Click the Command Prompt or type cmd
3. Type sfc/scannow
4. The tool will scan for damaged files. When prompted provide the Windows original disk for repair.
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